Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tea time.

  Avery is becoming a little girl, I’m afraid.  Lately she doesn’t look like a baby to me anymore.  And the fact that she is talking more solidifies the end of her babyhood.  Its fun but sad at the same time.  She is still being a good little mama to Tasha.  Tasha still wears a helmet though, just in case.DSC_9820
Tasha doesn’t squirm around when she gets her diaper changed.  Must be nice, Avery! DSC_9822DSC_9823 DSC_9824 Gotta get it just right!DSC_9825 DSC_9826 We’ve been doing family bike rides a lot lately.  Avery hears the words, “bike ride” and she starts waving her arms around saying, “riiiiiiiidddddde????”  DSC_9834 DSC_9835 Here’s our little corner of the earth.  This is the road in front of our house.DSC_9836Speedy Gonzales with no training wheels! DSC_9837 Peek!DSC_9839

Dylan LOVES to do this with his legs.  And it cracks Eric and I up every time he does it.  Tonight at the campfire, he was telling Ingrid about how he does that on his bike.  She asked him why he does it and he said, “because I’m so happy!”  Smile DSC_9841 Pit stop!  (Dylan wiped out and was mad at his bike – so he walked away from it.  That’ll teach it!)DSC_9849

Uh oh – somebody’s tired! DSC_9850 This morning (yes, the previous pictures were from yesterday - I’m a little behind) was another chilly one.  Long pants, long sleeve shirts and tea were in order!DSC_9854 DSC_9856DSC_9858

Ahhhh, tea.  Me loves a good mug o tea.  Dylan is goofing around making me laugh.  Guess he’s good for that. 

Well, that’s it for tonight.  Time to prepare my breakfast and get to bed.  I’ve got an early morning rendezvous with my treadmill!

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