Eric started filling up the rink yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately there was a leak and a good portion of the water drained out (and we didn’t realize it until it was too late) so the process is still ongoing. And now its snowing again, so it will have to wait until tomorrow.
Hopefully I will have a picture of everyone out skating for you tomorrow!Except for Miss Avos who prefers to be inside where it’s warm. That and she seems to have gotten a cold. Oh – AND she can’t skate yet.
And Mux. She probably won’t join in the skating party either. Instead, she’ll take the opportunity to mess with the Christmas tree and try to eat ornaments.
Dylan and I made sugar cookies today! I made a promise, and I had to follow through.
The remote for the camera had to come out again.
And it got covered in flour.
He knew just what to do! Must be all the play dough work he does at school.
Seriously, I don’t think that the remote is EVER going to get old. He LOVES that thing!
Posing again!
Two posers!
And after I frosted the cookies, Dylan did the sprinkles. His favorite.
I’m pretty sure he ate more than he put on. I don’t know why. They barely taste like anything!
And then he had to taste his work.
This frosting dried pretty fast and was very shiny. You can find the recipe here, if you like. I painted it on with a pastry brush and that seemed to work well.
Avery supervised the process a bit, but mostly took the opportunity to play by herself. She has been playing with her pots and pans and making food for her babies. Very busy little mama, she is.
Ok, seriously, she looks SO cute with her hair did! Dang it Avery! She pulled it out 1 second after I snapped this photo.
Poor baby. Don’t know if her cheeks are red because of her cold or if she’s getting more teeth.
And here are the finished cookies! All set for storing. I’m not big on sugar cookies, so hopefully I can find some takers on these. Lingy? You want some cookies?
The sugar cookie recipe we used can be found here. Oh and for your information, Mom, they did end up being more of a crunchy cookie, so we’ll be sure to save some for ya.
(She doesn’t like soft cookies! What the heck?!) I’m guessing I must have baked them too long. Grrrrrrr.
Well, the computer just took a 45 minute crap on me and I’m sick of sitting here. Also, I have nothing more to say! Soooooo see ya tomorrow!