Well, if you are surprised to see an update from me, you wouldn't be the only one! I took a couple weeks off and wasn't sure I'd ever get one done again! But here I am. Please be sure to check out our shuttercal page too. It has daily photos (not updated daily, of course) that depict our lives on a more regular basis. I am going to TRY to do an album on Facebook as well. If I do, I'll let ya know. Without further adieu, the pics:
Little Squares
The first truss going up
One of the last trusses going up
Sullivan Lake sunset
Dylan finally riding his tricycle! Unassisted!
And here we are at Cass Lake. Married for one year and one day. Added one baby and many pounds. Yay.
Here marks the end of Dylan's tubing days. Give him some mean bumps and hes DONE!
Driving the boat!
Squares giving me the look.
Squares giving D the look.
Eric and his little friend.
Well, Cass Lake with a baby proved to be not so much fun. For me, anyway. Everyone else seemed to enjoy themselves though. Dylan had a fun time picking on his cousins, eating junk food and getting extremely dirty. He played hard every day and slept hard every night. He also enjoyed having a sleep over party with Grandpa and Grandma each night in their motorhome. One morning he woke up and was chatting with Grandpa who had sat down on the edge of the bed. Well, he must have sat on Grandma's side b/c Dylan said, "Don't sit on your Grandma!" They thought that was pretty funny. Everyone also decided to call Dylan "Steve" all week b/c of the way he behaves and treats his cousins - recklessly. Apparently Eric's cousin Steve was much the same way. Oh well! Until Easton, Addi, Daniel and Squares get bigger, I'm afraid that there isn't anyone who is going to give D a run for his money. Time will tell which of his cousins (or his sister) will push/kick/throw sand or dirt back at him!
Well, the Sheriff is crying, so it looks like I better wrap this up! So much for starting a Facebook album tonight! : (