Its time for another exciting installment of the weekly wrap up! Pull up a chair and enjoy the show!
Well, at least someone is laying in the basket!
One of Dylan's favorite summer activities! He's been promised a bigger pool soon!
Avery's first slide ride!
Dylan couldn't let her go down alone.
A moment between brother and sister.
Being the foreman on the garage build.
Avery hanging out in the garage. She spent most of Saturday sleeping in her stroller outside.
Well, we went back to the dr yesterday for another weight check for Avery. She now weighs 6 pounds, 7 ounces. So not quite back to birth weight yet, but shes getting there. The doctor just thinks that we breed small babies. Dylan was the same way. She'll get there! She did grow an inch and a half tho, bringing her to a full 20 inches long! Way to go Avery! So the doctor thinks shes well on her way now and we dont have to do anymore weight checks. I'm relieved!
We go to Aberdeen tomorrow for the 4th of July, so I expect that next weeks post will be full of exciting snapshots and stories! Its also my 30th birthday tomorrow. I think I'll spend the entire day in seclusion. Just kidding! I rule! Just another day, as my husband would say.
Adios fans! Catch ya next week!