Not much happened today that could compete with breakfast! It was the BEST BREAKFAST EVER! I urge you to all go out immediately and purchase some steel cut oats! Go now. I’ll wait.
Back now? Ok, here is what you do (got this from Weelicious, by the way): Put 1 cup of steel cut oats in your crockpot. Add 2 cups of water, 2 1/2 cups milk of your choice and one tsp of cinnamon. Set it on low for 8-9 hours. Word of caution tho – if you think you may have a turbo crockpot (like mine) that roasts the crap out of things even when its on LOW then may I suggest putting in on the “keep warm” setting. Then, a half hour before you want to eat it, crank up the heat. If it weren’t for my sweet little Dylan waking me up at 1 AM to tell me he had to pee (ok, so I wasn’t thinking he was so sweet at the time!), then our poor oats would have burned up. I came back downstairs to tuck him in and smelled the most GLORIOUS SMELL!! OH they smelled awesome! And it kinda made me want to dig in right then and there, but I was able to practice self control. Made it hard to go back to sleep though because I was SUPER excited to eat them! Anyway, I turned the heat down and all was good. You can top them with whatever you like. I did honey because that is my sweetener of choice. But you could do maple syrup, jelly, bananas, nuts, etc. I read that putting chopped up apples in the mix at night is especially tasty, so I might try that next. Or maybe pumpkin. Muahahahahahaha! Anyway, enjoy your breakfasts tomorrow. I’m quite sure you are taking my advice and going right out for those oats, aren’t you???
And, what would a Why Cough blog post be without a pic of the little Wikoff’s from today. Dylan said at dinnertime, “it was pajama day today, wasn’t it Mom?” Yep. Yep it was.
Double smiles on this one from me! I plan to make that oatmeal after I shop for the oats tomorrow. Love Weelicious! And I bought those same jammies for Christmas for Wyatt. We do new jammies and a pancake dinner on Christmas Eve.